Talking to Your Children About Divorce – Part 2

In our previous blog post, we discussed how you can talk to your children about you and your spouse’s divorce. While this is divorce lawyer in Orlando FLa life-changing event for all family members involved, it is important to keep your kids at the forefront of any choices you make. Since they are some of the most affected people in your divorce, delivering the news to them should be done in a delicate but factual manner. Here are some other things to keep in mind when talking to your children about your divorce:

Give their teachers a heads up about the conversation– If the children are in school the day of or after you plan on telling them, address their teachers about the subject as well. Making the teachers aware of the talk that you had with them regarding your divorce can help them understand if your child is acting distant, distraught, or is not behaving normally.

Reiterate the fact that the divorce is not a direct result of anything they did – While it may not seem like an adults’ first thought after someone tells them about a divorce, it is common for the children in the marriage to think they had something to do with the divorce. Whether they think they could have behaved better to save their parents from fighting or think they are the reason for the split, it is essential to remind them that it is not a direct result of their actions.

If you are looking for a dependable divorce lawyer in Orlando, FL, that will help to navigate this difficult time alongside you, call the Law Offices of Jonathan Torres, LLC for help today at (407) 953-5818.